Tuesday, August 24, 2010

'Dead is just a rumor' review

Author: Marlene Perez
Publisher: Hauffin Mifflin Harcourt
Released Fall 2010
201 pages YA

As the creepy little town of Nightshade prepares to celebrate it's two hundreth anniversary-on Halloween, of course- many of it's paranormal residents are recieving mysterious blakcmail letters. Psychic teen Daisy Giordano and her sisters set out to find who is behind the threats. But launching an investigation isn't easy or Daisy with her overprotective father watching her every move. Though she's happy to have him back after the years he spent being held captive by an anti-paranormal group called the Scourge, Dad is having a difficult time adjusting to home life- and the fact that his little girl is now a senior in high school. He even disapproves of Daisy's boyfriend, Ryan.
Ryan, meanwhile, to Daisy's dismay, has been considering some faraway colleges thanks to the advice of Nighshade High's ne wguidance counselor. Can their relationship take the strain?
And Daisy's got even more on her plate: A talented amateur cook, she has won cooking lessons with celebrity chef Circe Silvertongue. After nosing around (with a little help from Circe's pet pig), Daisy begins to suspect that the tempermental chef has got more secrets than just her ingredients...


It has been quite some time since I read the last three books of the DEAD IS series, so I forgot just how fun they are. This book has it all- normal teenage problems mixed with solving mysteries, paranormal residents and mysterious new characters, while Daisy is still with her boyfriend Ryan and best friends with Samantha.  Whether it's revealing new creatures- mermaids, vampires, long lost relatives, creepy guidance counselors, and weird celebrity chefs- Dead is just a Rumor never has a dull moment.
I especially love the great music 'Lil' the juebox plays for Daisy while she is at Slim's Dinner, many good songs played there. The idea that 'Lil' helps Daisy has always been a neat idea- and it seems as though 'Lil's' past is being unfolded into the next mysterie for the Giordiano sisters and Nighshade.

Next book:
Dead is not an option
Release date: Spring of 2011

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